Saturday, December 8, 2007
Oops, Changes are Afoot

Click on image to enlarge

Here is a pic of our exterior ilumination prior to the snows hitting. Imagine the same scene, ony with 6 inches of snow covering it and that would be how it looks now.

Click on image to enlarge

In other news, it seems we will be heralding in the New Year on the East Coast. The hubster has to spend a few hours at the new job on New Years Eve, as they will be going live with a new software package then. Fortunately the hubster has been using that particular software for quite sometime now. So we will fly in for a couple of days around then. we dn't have to be moved until March or April so we still have a little time to get used to the idea of leaving the only home we have known for the last 13 years. This week I get the sad task of telling my seven year old granddaughter Jasmine that we are moving to the East Coast. I don't think she will take it well at all. Although I am sure she won't mind having long summer vacations at the beach with Gwanma.
posted by Daisy Martin at 11:36 AM | Permalink |