Friday, March 9, 2007
Oops, My shoes are fate

(click on image to enlarge my lovely cherry shoes)

If you will recall my rant about the most perfect shoes on the planet and how I coveted them, but sadly did not purchase them. Guess what I did? I bought my dream shoes!!! I know it is silly to fall in love with a pair of canvas shoes. I mean if you are going to go ape over a pair of shoes it should be a $700 pair of Jimmy Choos, not a $30 pair of Self Esteem canvas shoes. But for whatever reason I did fall in love and now 3 weeks later I finally succumbed to the temptation and bought them. Actually I put it in fates hands. I said to myself “self, if those shoes are still there and they have a pair in my size it is meant to be and I have to buy them. Self, if they do not have those shoes in my size it wasn’t meant to be and I will mourn their loss for the rest of my life.” Fortunately they were there and they had one pair left in my size. Sigh… it was meant to be.

My 6 year old granddaughter, Jas, and I had “girls night out” last night. We went to dinner at her favorite Chinese barfette and then went shopping for girly stuff like fake nails and lip gloss. We had a great time. On the way home a rock song came on the radio which involved several parts of the lyrics being screamed. Jas looks at me and says “That’s heavy metal Gwanma because they scream. If they just scream softly and only a little then it’s just rock.” I pondered what she had said and replied “well do you like heavy metal or do you like rock?” She thought a minute and said “I like heavy metal because I’m a kid and we like screaming.” I guess you can’t argue with that logic.
posted by Daisy Martin at 7:00 PM | Permalink |


  • At March 10, 2007 at 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    DSW = Daisy's shoe Wearhouse?

    Great news about the writer's group. You seem to have a flair for same. See Note that she is a best selling author. Then read her blog entries. . . you two could be twins!!!

    That Lil Miss is a pistol. How lucky she is to have a gwanma like you. Hope ye'r feeling OK

  • At March 11, 2007 at 11:24 AM, Blogger Daisy Martin

    Ha ha, Daisy Shoe Warehouse, I like that Ern.

  • At March 13, 2007 at 7:43 AM, Blogger Julie

    Oh I gotta have a pair of those shoes.. problem is I don't know if I have anything to wear shoes that have cherries on them!!!
    Congrats on joining the writing group!!!