I am so angry I could spit nails! My doctor is a stupid bone-head. I went to the world renowned pancreatitis God, Dr. Lenham, and he said one of the things that was causing my flare-up of pancreatitis was my blood pressure medication. So Dr. Lehman had me stop taking the current medication and said he was going to send a “strong” letter to my doctor telling him what blood pressure medication I need to be taking, among other things. My doctor decided prior to getting the letter that he would just pick a medication out of thin air and hope it didn’t cause pancreatitis. Well guess what? Yes, it causes pancreatitis. I could have been on the road to recovery by now. It seems to me that going to doctors is causing me to get sicker, not better. I think I’ll take care of my own medical care from this point on. I am sure I could do a much better job than the bone-head I currently go to. And to make sure I am a legit doc I will even make myself wait for 30 minutes before I’ll see myself. I am busy after all.
Nothing I wrote made any damned sense at all did it? See what happens when I take pain meds?
Damn, Are you sure the second Doctor is right and not the first? Now it sounds like you need s thire opinion