The biggest oops of all? Googling your old high school flame and finding his name on the sex offender registry. I don't think I want to look up any more high school flames. In fact, I'm not sure I want to move back to my hometown anymore. Speaking of the old hometown, our flight home was uneventful even though I had gotten the worst cold in the world while in Maryland. But once we landed the hell began. We left almost 70 degree temps to come home to 7 degrees here in the Midwest and a full blown snow storm. The topper? A dead car battery in the airport parking lot. It took us 3 hours to get home after our plane landed. What a nightmare.

One of the joys of my hometown was sharing the worlds best sub with Jas. If you are ever on the East Coast try a Red Door sub and a birch beer. You won't be sorry. Hmmm....moving back to my hometown is suddenly sounding better!
Umm. Seems like you can be seduced by any damn good munchie. Welcome back to the great midwest... After all it was 60° just two days ago. Happy New Year!